When you signup to Synergita OKR, you will land on the page displaying the Signup form.

The form has a list of text boxes. Type the relevant information in all the text boxes.

  • Name: Type your name
  • Work Email: Type a Valid official Email address

After filling the fields, click the button - Sign up for free.

Your information provided will be successfully saved and you will receive an email with the link for creating your login password. Clicking on the link will take you to the Set new password window.


Name and Email Id information are auto-populated from the form that was submitted for the Free OKR sign-up. To set the password, type the text fields mentioned below;

  • New Password: Type desired password with the conditions displayed below.
    • Password must have 8 to 13 characters.
    • There must be at least one special character.
    • It must be alphanumeric.
  • Confirm Password: Retype the New Password.

Click "Save & Continue" to set the password to the account.

This takes you to the next card to invite more users to the product.

Step 1: Click on the "+Invite User" if you wish to invite your colleagues.  


Step 2: Clicking on "+Invite Users" lists two fields. 




In the name field provide your colleague's name and in the Email ID field provide a valid email ID (official Email ID). 

Step 3: Click on the "Add" button to include the details provided. 


Step 4: To add more users, click on the "Add " button that is displayed on the top. Keep adding how much ever you wish to.  

Step 5: After adding the number of users you want to invite, click the "Send Invite" button. This action sends a welcome email to the invitee and adds them to the system as active users.    

Click the "Cancel" button if you wish to clear the details entered in the Name and Email ID fields. 

Click "Skip This Step" if you do not want to invite any users. 

This takes you into the product, where you can start creating OKRs. It is recommended to start from the Company OKR.