Employee Work Experience Details Report provides complete insights into the industry and various tasks or duties performed by a particular employee. This includes past experiences and experience in the current company. This report is particular helpful in influencing career choice from planning to creating to training and development opportunities for the employees.

This report is also useful for planning the recruitment strategy to recruit employees who can hit the ground running as they already have a realistic view of the work/task and the job roles they are expected to perform.

To access the reports

  • Navigate to Reports > Manage Reports
  • Under Employee Management, click Employee Work Experience details report

  • Click Filter. Filter by pop-up window appears.

  • Select the filter criteria you require to filter the data from the available filters. The filters include 

  • Work Experience Details: Filters the report by Current Company Experience (based on the experience in the current company), Total Past Experience (based on the total work experience in the previous companies) and Total Years of Experience (total number of years of experience (Past plus Current))
  • Basic Details: Filters the report by employee number, employee name, employee type, DOJ, etc.
  • Organization Units: Filters the report by the selected business units.
  • Location: Filters the report by employees' job location
  • Contact Details: Filters the report by employee's email, IM Id, etc
  • Work Details: Filters the report by employee's designation, work role, track, etc

  • Click Apply to filter the data you want to export.

  • To export the report data, Click the Export with mail sending icon. The system prompts to inform you that the report will be mailed to the registered email address.

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary from how the features are described here. The screen shots given here may also be different from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.