
  • 1. Option to upload attachment during goal setting
  • 2. Goal Setting - Allow to create attributes and sub sections at the employee level, which are already available in master template
  • 3. When Goals are updated by Appraiser for an Appraisee, it should be self approved - Conditional workflow
  • 4. Min/Max cap for the no. of goals per sub-section
  • 5. Comments should be mandatory on Rejection of goals
  • 6. Ability for employees and managers to view draft goals when goals are pending approval
  • 7. Provision to set up the Rating Guidelines for each competency and for each rating scale. Show the rating guidelines on mousehovering the rating scale in provide feedback screen.
  • 8. Show the feedback from other respondents in the Provide Feedback screen for the manager
  • 9. Ability to choose the final rating in Provide Feedback Screen
  • 10. Show the summary of scores and final ratings provided by different relationships in provide feedback/View Feedback/View Past Feedback screens
  • 11. Sequential Steps for Employee, manager and reviewer feedback; Two new workflow activities have been introduced
  • 12. Bell Curve / Normalization Screen
  • 13. Changes in rating Rating Distribution Widget to show the pending approval records
  • 14. Meeting Invite Workflow activity - An email notification is sent to invitee
  • 15. Meeting accept Workflow activity - Employee accepts that the meeting happened
  • 16. Employee Appeal Activity - Ability for employee to appeal the feedback & ratings
  • 17. Meeting Invite - Appeal - Workflow Activity - An email notification inviting the employee for a meeting after appeal
  • 18. Meeting accept - Appeal - Workflow Activity - Employee accepts that the meeting after appeal happened
  • 19. Meeting Summary - Appeal - Workflow Activity - Captures the discussion between Manager and Employee after appeal Additional workflow activities added in Bulk Approval screen
  • 20. Feedback Cycle Screen - Don't show the employees for whom LWD is updated in the system (both future/current date) Additional Email notifications
  • 21. Comments mandatory on “Change Grade” in recommendation form.
  • 22. Show recommendation comment in feedback screens
  • 23. Performance tuning - Manage Performance related pages like My Action Items, My Team, Bell Curve Normalization, etc
  • 24. Performance tuning - Feedback Status and Recommendation Reports
  • 25. Performance tuning - Feedback Status and Pending Activites Widgets