
360 Degree Feedback is a process in which employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from the people who work around them. This includes the employee's manager, peers, direct reports and in some cases, customers and vendors.  The reviewers fill out an anonymous online feedback form that asks questions covering a broad range of workplace competencies. The feedback form would include questions that are measured on a rating scale and also ask reviewers to provide written comments. The person receiving feedback also fills out a self-rating survey that includes the same survey questions that others receive in their forms.

360 Degree feedback is useful for:

  • Understanding the strength and weakness of an individual from the eyes of other stakeholders
  • Employees can build a development plan for reaching the next level in their career

How does 360 Degree Feedback Works?

360 Degree feedback essentially consists of two components:

  • Feedback form (includes soft skills, leadership competencies, people competencies, etc.)
  • Workflow on how the feedback process will be executed.

HR will design the 360 feedback form using Manage Feedback Forms / Templates.  Typically, the form contains the competencies, rating guidelines, and actual Rating to be provided.  

To make it simple, these competencies can be grouped into few sections such as Leadership competencies, People Competencies, Customer Orientation, etc.  Each section may have multiple questions/competencies to get to know the employee better.


The setting up and configuration of 360 Degree survey includes the following workflow.

Employee Login

As logging as an employee, do the following.

  • Nominate reviewers from whom you seek 360-degree feedback
  • If you do the nominate reviewers step online, the list of reviewers whom you nominate must be approved by employee's manager or HR.  Once the reviewers are approved, the survey form will be displayed for the reviewers
  • If HR provides the list of reviewers along with the employee details, Synergita team will import the reviewers as a part of the configuration. In this case, “Nominate Reviewers” workflow step will not be visible for the employees
  • Provide self-feedback
  • Once the 360-degree survey is complete, the employees can generate the employee feedback status report and perception gap analysis report
  • Develop an action plan to build on the employees' strengths and address their area of improvements.

The following illustrations display the navigation using employee (reviewee) logging.

Employees will receive a welcome mail with the following details.

  • URL to login
  • Login Id
  • Temporary Password

As a first-time activation process, the employee has to change the password during first time logging.

Employee login

  • When an employee login the system, the employee lands on the Home page. This Home page displays the context of the 360-degree feedback in the left pane and the image of the 360-degree feedback process in the left pane. 

  • A HR can customize this Home page and can post the objectives/purpose of the 360-degree feedback process, schedule for the process, the workflow, etc. Customization of the home or landing page can be managed in the Configure Landing Page.


  • On navigating to one's dashboard, the Dashboard will show the Action Nominate Reviewers under the list of activities pending for the employees.

Nominate Reviewers

  • As a first step, the employees have to nominate a list of reviewers for themselves (depending on the configuration).

  • On clicking the Nominate Reviewers action link under the Pending Activities, the page will appear as shown.

  • The employees can nominate internal reviewers and add to the list of reviewers using search filters like Organization Unit, Location, Designation, and/or by entering a search keyword.
  • The employees can also nominate external reviewers by specifying their email address.
  • If the reviewers are to be approved by a HR/Manager, click Send For Approval to notify the HR/Manager for approval.

Provide Self-Feedback/Nominated relationship feedback:

The employees can provide self-feedback in the 360-degree form. The Self-feedback form can be accessed through one's dashboard (or) by navigating to Performance > My Action Items.

Publish Feedback

Once everyone completes the feedback, HR can publish the reports.  When reports are published, employees will get a notification from HR.


There are two key reports that Employee will have access to, once the reports are published.

360 Feedback status report:

Employee (reviewee) can access the feedback status by navigating to Performance > My Performance

The Feedback Status will show the self-score, average peer score.  Employees can also export the feedback status report as a PDF file or an Excel file.

If you notice the feedback status, under each section, employee (Reviewee) will be able to see the comments from different reviewers.  You will see “Self” comments and all the Reviewer comments.  Reviewers will be shown as “Anonymous”.

Perception Gap Analysis Report

  • If the employees are able to view and access the feedback status, then the employee can also view and access Perception Gap Analysis report.
  • Perception gap analysis report is another view of the feedback status report.  It highlights the scores and gaps (perception differences)
  • To access the perception gap analysis report, navigate to Reports > Manage Reports.
  • Under Performance Management, click Perception Gap Analysis Report.

Develop an Action Plan

The employees (reviewee) have all the details about the perceptions and rating from reviewers and self. The employees can find out their strengths and area of development.

Thus, the employees can come up with their detailed plan offline and work with their manager to accomplish by planned.

Reviewer login

The Reviewer navigation will be similar to the employee as discussed above.  The steps are as follows.

  • The Reviewer will receive a welcome email with login credentials
  • When reviewer log in, they will see a Home page
  • Navigate to  My Dashboard to providing feedback for reviewee(s). 
  • The Dashboard will show the Action Reviewers Feedback under the Pending Activities
  • Click Reviewers Feedback, provide a rating and then click Submit.

HR Login


Setting up the 360-degree process

Before beginning the process, 

  • HR must create the feedback form including competencies, rating scale, guidelines, etc.
  • HR must finalize the workflow for the 360-degree process.
  • HR shall bulk import the employee details in a prescribed template using Import Employee Details.  The employee details must include employee number, name, email id, designation, department, location, manager details, etc.
  • Reviewer matrix (Synergita suggest that the reviewer matrix will be from reviewers nominated by employees themselves).  However, if this needs to be imported, Synergita can do this as a part of the set up.

Headcount Details

  • HR's Dashboard provides various widgets.
  • One of the widgets is headcount of employees
  • Once you import the employee details, you will be able to see this widget populated. 
  • You can also view the employee details report available in Reports 
  • To view all employee details report, navigate to Reports > Manage Reports - Employee Management / Employee Report

Monitoring the progress

  • Once the survey is initiated, HR will be able to keep track of the progress of the survey using the Feedback Cycle Status Widget.

Note:  Each reviewee may have several reviewers. Hence, the number of employees at the Reviewer’s Feedback will be higher than the total number of reviewees.

  • HR can click on the numbers and see the details of the employees. 
  • To view and access Employee Feedback Status Report, navigate to Reports > Manage Reports. This report will provide a lot more details and you can export the status to Excel.

  • There is another report on Feedback status report by Reviewers. This provides details of the reviewers and the reviewees.

Reminders for the employees

  • Reminder notifications are sent automatically by the system for completing the process on time.  
  • If HR likes to send any reminders in the progress of the cycle, then, HR can send the reminders by navigating to Admin > HR Administration- Manage Feedback cycle.

HR Approval and Publish Reports

Once all the reviewers provided the feedback, HR can approve (if required) and publish the reports.

When the reports are published, the employees can download their individual feedback report, perception gap analysis from Reports > Manage Reports.

Perception gap analysis (of an employee)

As discussed in the earlier section under the Employee Login, to access the perception gap analysis report, navigate to Reports > Manage Reports and under Performance Management, click Perception Gap Analysis Report.

Team Score Analysis report

To view and access the Team Score Analysis Report, navigate to Reports > Manage Reports and under Performance Management, click Team Score Analysis Report.

This will provide the organization-wide, department-wide analysis of employees.

:  Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary from how the features are described here. The screenshots given here may also be different from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.