• OKR is a framework for defining and tracking objectives and their outcomes. In Synergita, OKR templates are designed to make this process easier for teams and individuals to set, monitor, and achieve their goals. OKR Templates in Synergita are pre-defined formats that help users set up their objectives and key results efficiently. 
  • These templates are tailored to cater to various business needs and can be customized to fit specific organizational goals. This feature simplifies the creation of objectives, making it more efficient and user-friendly. Available for both OKR Starter and OKR Growth users, this enhancement allows you to quickly integrate company-wide, team, and individual objectives.

Benefits of Using OKR Templates in Synergita:

  • Simplicity and Clarity: Simplifies the process of setting objectives and key results, ensuring clarity and focus.
  • Customization: It Offers flexibility to modify templates according to unique departmental or individual goals.
  • Alignment with Organizational Goals: Facilitates alignment of individual objectives with broader company goals.
  • Simplicity and Clarity: Simplifies the process of setting objectives and key results, ensuring clarity and focus.

Further Reading: How to Create objectives using Templates?