Performance Appraisal Ratings determine the salary revisions, promotion, and variable pay payouts.
2. You can bulk import the compensation revision of all employees into Synergita using the Import From Excel feature or enter the revised salary details (breakup of revised components) of employees individually using the Manage Salary Revision Letters page.
3. Then, prepare a template content containing placeholders of the revised salary components using the Manage Revision Template page.
4. Finally, create the process workflow to automate the distribution of the revision letter using the Workflow page.
A sample workflow is illustrated below.
5. As a HR admin, you can initiate publishing all the employees' salary revisions from the Manage Salary Revision Letters page.
An automatic email will be generated to intimate employees of the availability of letter. The email notifications can be managed in the Manage Notifications page.
6. As an employee, you will be able to view the appraisal letter by navigating to Performance > My Salary Revisions
The Salary Revision Login page of an employee is password protected to ensure adequate care is taken to protect the privacy of the content of this letter.

5. To download the revision paper in the PDF format, under Salary Revision Details, click the Download link next to Revision Paper.
PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary from how the features are described here. The screenshots given here may also be different from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.