Import Goals feature helps the HR team bulk upload the SMART Goals data for several employees in one shot. This feature supports uploading individual employee goals with goal target, goal status, goal weightage, and timeline (goal due date.)

The steps to bulk import employee goals data are as follows.

To bulk import the employee goals data

1.  From Import / Export under the Admin tab, click Import Employee Goals

Pre-requisite: As a pre-requisite, please choose the review period you require to map with the associated goals.

2. Please download the Goals Template excel. Populate the excel file with valid data; the mandatory fields are marked in bold. Please ensure the mandatory data are provided.

3. Under Import & Validate, choose the Review Period and the required Goal Status based on which you want to upload the employees' goal data

4. Click Choose File to browse to the location where the updated excel file is stored and click Open. Then, click Import & Validate.

  • The uploaded employees' goal data are validated.
  • After the file import and validation completion, you can see the results of your upload with the total number of records successfully validated and the total number of error records.
  • You can download the error file, correct the errors, update and then upload it again.

4. As a final step, click Start to upload the data.

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary on how the features described here. The given screenshots may also vary from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.