Synergita is very simple and easy to setup. This document provides you step by step guidance on setting up Synergita for your Organization.

Step 1: Upload Employee Details

Basic and Personal detailsUpload employee details like Employee Number, Name, DOJ, DOB, Organization, Designation, etc. Help
Education detailsUpload employee's education details like graduation, Institution, etc. Help
Experience detailsUpload employee's previous work experience details including Company name, Job title, Job description, duration, etc. Help

Step 2: Upload Reporting Structure

Reporting manager detailsUpload the reporting manager data for all the employees. Help
Assign Group HeadsSet the Group heads of the organization like Department Head, Company Head, Group HR. Help

Step 3: Feedback Forms

Feedback FormsSet the Group heads of the organization like Department Head, Company Head, Group HR. Help

Step 4: Appraisal Process

Setup the appraisal processDefine the appraisal process with the required steps such as manager assessment, approvals, etc. Help
Notification content and recipient detailsSetup the contents for the E-mail notifications and the recipient details. Help
Final Grade Mapping MechanismConfigure business rules to automatically assign the final rating as per the overall score. Help
Reminder & Escalation Notification content and schedule.Define the appraisal process with the required steps such as manager assessment, approvals, etc. Help

Step 5: Continuous Feedback

CategoriesDefine the categories required for continuous feedback. Help
AwardsSetup awards and also who can give/view the awards. Help
Email NotificationsConfigure the email notifications for continuous feedback and awards. Help

Step 6: Development

Training coursesSet the list of training courses in your Organization. Help
Upload Training LogsUpdate/Upload the training attendance logs into the system. Help

Step 7: Compensation

Compensation revision approval process and revision letter formatDefine the compensation process in your organization. And also define the format of the compensation revision letters to be sent across. Help
Email NotificationConfigure the related email notifications. Help

Step 8: Reports

Enable ReportsEnable the reports for each role (like Manager, HR, Department head). Help