With the User Management module, HR Admins can easily manage users in the organization, including removing users from the system. Follow the steps below to remove users:


Navigating to the page

  • Navigate to OKR Admin button on the left navigation pane. 

  • Click on User Management page in OKR Admin


Remove Users 

  • Click on the three dots next to the user you wish to remove.
  • Click the Edit link from the options that appear.

On the Edit page for the selected user, click on the Remove button.

  • A confirmation dialog box will appear. Click Yes to confirm the removal of the user from the system.

    By following these steps, the selected user will be successfully moved to Inactive users list, and their data and access will be revoked from the system. In case, you need to invite them again, you can access the inactive users tab and click on Reactivate next to the user.