Admin users can easily change the preferences of OKR according to the Organization's needs.
Navigating to the page
- Navigate to OKR Admin button on the left navigation pane.
Click on OKR Configuration tab.
This opens the configuration, where you can apply all the settings necessary for your organization.
Financial Period
- This section allows you to select how the OKR periods are defined across your organization. Learn More.
Access to Create Company OKR
- Company objectives can be managed by one or more employees, preferably by those at the top management level.
- You can add the employees who can manage the company objectives, by typing the employee names and selecting from the dropdown.
- These employees can add, edit, and update the progress of company objectives.
- You can also select the users by clicking on View directory and selecting from the list.
Access to Create Team OKR
- For each team, you can designate one or more employees to manage the team objectives.
- To give access to an employee, click on the +Add link, which opens a side panel.
- You can add the employees who can manage the team objectives, by typing the employee names in the select users text field and selecting from the dropdown.
- Approval can be enabled by turning on the toggle, and a user can be designated as the approver. If approval is enabled, then the OKR can be created only when the user approves it.
- You can also select the users by clicking on View directory and selecting from the list.
- Choose the approvers and the Organization unit. Then click the Save button.
Access to Manage Individual OKR for others.
- You may want to grant specific users the ability to create and view individual OKRs for other employees.
- This option provides the flexibility to create and assign OKRs on behalf of employees.
- You can choose to allow either All users or only the Reporting Manager to have this capability.
Enable Approval for Individual OKRs
- You can enable the approval step for individual objectives by turning on the toggle button. This displays two options:
- Aligned Objective Owner: When an objective is aligned to the existing objective, the owner of the aligned objective should approve the OKR. If the OKR is unaligned, then it will be submitted directly without any approval.
- Reporting manager: The OKR owners' reporting manager should approve the OKR. If the owner does not have a designated reporting manager, then it will be submitted directly without any approval.
Enable Review
- The review option allows to validate the performance of OKRs. Either reporting managers or aligned objective owners can review the OKR and decide whether to either close the OKR or continue to work on OKR.
- If the toggle is turned off, then the objective can be completed and closed directly.
- If the toggle is turned on, then there is an option to add comments along with a quantitative review scale.
- The reviewers for team and individual OKR can also be selected between Reporting Manager and Aligned Objective Owner. Other users can also be added as a reviewer for Team OKRs.
- These reviewers can give ratings, and can decide whether to either close it or continue to work on OKR.
- There are three types of review:
- Comments Only: Only comments can be added. It is open-ended.
- 3 Points Review Scale: Comments can be added along with 3 levels of rating.
- 5 Points Review Scale: Comments can be added along with 5 levels of rating.
Click here to learn More about OKR Review.
Set Confidence Level:
- Confidence levels can be set in the configuration for Low, Medium, and High.
- There is a scroll bar with two movable points on a ruler. These points divide the ruler into three segments: Low, Medium, and High.
- Use the points to set the boundaries for each segment. The segments are color-coded: Red for Low, Yellow for Medium, and Green for High.
Learn More on this feature.
Enable Cloning
- You can enable cloning for all OKRs by turning on the toggle.
- You can select two options:
- All users: All users in the organization can clone their OKRs.
- Reporting manager: Only OKR owners' reporting manager can clone the OKRs.
Controlling Cascading
- If the toggle Allow users to accept/reject cascaded objective is:
- Turned on: The assigned user will have the option to accept or reject the cascaded objective.
- Turned off: The assigned user cannot reject the cascaded objective. They need to click on Add Key Results and create the OKR.
View OKR
- Company and Team OKRs can be made visible or kept hidden from the non-privileged users.
- There are two separate toggles for company and team, which can be enabled and disabled.
- Tags can be added and assigned to OKRs.
- They can be selected from the available tags or new tags can be created by entering in the field and clicking on Add.
- Remember to Save your changes. Click on Save at the bottom of the page to reflect the changes in the configuration.