Reminder and escalation emails are triggered when the employees don't complete the goal setting or performance review activities on time. These emails are available for certain other events as well.

As a HR administrator, you can use the Manage Reminders page to configure the reminder and escalation emails. The recurring frequency can be set for these email notifications.

The steps to set up the reminder and escalation activation day settings are as follows.

To set up reminder and escalation emails

1. Navigate to Admin > Tenant Administration

2. Under Settings, click Manage Reminders

3. To configure a new Reminder setting, click the Add button.

4. In the Add Reminder pop-up window, specify the details that include

  • A unique name and description for the reminder. The reminder name can be defined based on a workflow task or event to-be-performed for easy reference.
  • Select notification type as "Email"
  • Select the module (Employee, Growth, OKR or Promotion) and the associated field or activity to which the email notification is integrated.

  • Set the number of days before the due date, when the emails have to be sent; also set the frequency in days to repeat.
  • You can also set Reminder End Date (the number of days before or after the due date) from which the system stops sending the reminder emails to recipients. 
  • Select the Reminder email template associated with the employee performance activity. The reminder email notifications can be managed in the "Manage Notifications" page.
  • Set the number of days after the due date, when the escalation emails have to be sent; Also set the frequency in days to repeat.
  • You can also set Escalation End Date (the number of days before or after the due date) from which the system stops sending the escalation emails to recipients.
  • Select the Escalation email template associated with the employee performance activity. The escalation email notifications can be managed in the "Manage Notifications" page. 

Please note, for Continuous feedback, you can set the reminder start date and you can also select a particular relationship to activate the reminder

5. On saving, the reminder and escalation emails are activated.

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary from how the features are described here. The screenshots given here may also be different from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.