All employees can claim their redemption rewards by following the easy steps.

1. Navigate to Performance > My Performance.

2. My Performance page displays with the default tab My Goals and Competencies.

3. Navigate to the Continuous Feedback tab.

4. The Continuous feedback page appears as shown.

5. Click Redeem Now at the Total Redeem Points.

6. Enter the points you want to redeem against the total redeem points you received for your performance rewards.

7.  Select gift coupons, sunglasses, or travel bags that you want to get in offline as redemption gifts.

8. Click Redeem. A confirmation message for reward redeem appears.

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary from how the features are described here. The screenshots given here may also be different from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.