OKR Progress of Synergita OKR can be updated from Slack. This integration allows the users to update the progress directly without logging into Synergita OKR, thereby saving time.

Enable Slack

  • Log in to Synergita OKR.

  • Navigate to OKR Admin >> Integrations.


  • Click on Slack Integration to initiate the integration process.

  • Switch on toggle: Enable Notifications to Slack.  


  • Synergita OKR must be installed to Slack.
  • To install,
    • Access the Slack Apps Directory.
    • Search for Synergita OKR.
  • Select Synergita OKR from the list of apps.

  • This opens the description of the application, along with rating and app permissions,
  • Click on Open in Slack button to open the Synergita OKR application

Progress Update

  • Open Synergita OKR from the list of Apps.
  • To update the progress of the OKR, type /synergita-update.

  • Select between the OKR type: Company, Team, and Individual.
  • This will list the available OKRs under the category.
  • When the OKR is selected, it will open the key results available for that particular OKR.
  • When a Key Result is selected, it opens a card to update the progress.
  • Let us look at an example of updating a Company OKR.
  • When Company card is clicked, it displays the list of Company OKRs, accessible to the user.
  • When the user clicks on the name of the Company OKRs, it displays the list of key results belonging to the OKR. 


  • Selecting the Key Result displays the progress update card, where the progress percentage can be typed, along with the confidence level. Adding a comment is optional.

  • Once the progress is entered and updated, it gets updated in Synergita OKR. The summary of the updated key result is displayed.

Note: This feature is only for the users of OKR Growth.