OKR Progress of Synergita OKR can be updated from Slack. This integration allows the users to update the progress directly without logging into Synergita OKR, thereby saving time.
Enable Slack
Log in to Synergita OKR.
- Navigate to OKR Admin >> Integrations.
- Click on Slack Integration to initiate the integration process.
- Switch on toggle: Enable Notifications to Slack.
- Synergita OKR must be installed to Slack.
- To install,
- Access the Slack Apps Directory.
- Search for Synergita OKR.
Select Synergita OKR from the list of apps.
- This opens the description of the application, along with rating and app permissions,
- Click on Open in Slack button to open the Synergita OKR application
Progress Update
- Open Synergita OKR from the list of Apps.
- To update the progress of the OKR, type /synergita-update.
- Select between the OKR type: Company, Team, and Individual.
- This will list the available OKRs under the category.
- When the OKR is selected, it will open the key results available for that particular OKR.
- When a Key Result is selected, it opens a card to update the progress.
- Let us look at an example of updating a Company OKR.
- When Company card is clicked, it displays the list of Company OKRs, accessible to the user.
- When the user clicks on the name of the Company OKRs, it displays the list of key results belonging to the OKR.
- Selecting the Key Result displays the progress update card, where the progress percentage can be typed, along with the confidence level. Adding a comment is optional.
- Once the progress is entered and updated, it gets updated in Synergita OKR. The summary of the updated key result is displayed.
Note: This feature is only for the users of OKR Growth.