Performance Reviews and Employee Training are closely associated as both have the same focus. Training requirements/needs can be captured as part of the performance appraisal process.

Most organizations finalize their training programs for the upcoming year based on the skill-gap assessment conducted during the performance review.

My Training page provides a holistic view of the employee and the organization's efforts spent in the Training and Development of an employee. 

To access your training courses

  • Navigate to Development > My Training

  • My Training page captures both the training logs of the Manager/Employee and team member

  • The page displays two sections

  • Pending Training Course(s) - This indicates the pending training programs yet to be completed by the employee

The Pending Training Course(s) that are displayed in the table indicates that there are no planned pending training programs to be attended by the employee.

  • Training Log- The Training Log indicates the training programs that the employee attended

  • To view Training Programs that have been completed click the expansion (drop-down arrow)

  • This opens the list of Training Courses that have been completed by the employee.


  • The number of completed training programs are indicated within brackets.

  • The log displays the details of the training course with the Category, Course Name, date attended, the number of hours spent on training, and comments.

  • There is also a provision to attach support documents if any.

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary from how the features are described here. The screenshots given here may also be different from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries