As a HR administrator, you can use this Manage Designations page to maintain the master list of designations, which appear in the employee profile. 

The steps to create a new employee designation are as follows.

To add a new designation

1. Navigate to Admin > HR Administration

2. Under Profile Module Setup, click Manage Designations

3. Click the Add button. This will create a new row under each column.

4. Give a name and description for the designation.

5. On saving, the newly created designation will be added to the Designation list under Work Details section of an Organization Structure of the employee profile.

6. To edit the existing designation details, just click the relevant row.

7. You can also deactivate the designation temporarily and reactivate it later when necessary. Hit the icon highlighted below to deactivate the active designation. 

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary on how the features described here. The given screenshots may also vary from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.