Group Heads are defined for employees based on company, division, department, designation, level, etc. Typically the department heads, company head, HR head are defined as group relationships.
The steps to create a new group head are as follows.
To add a new group head
1. Navigate to Admin
2. Under Most Popular configuration or People, click Group Heads
3. As a first step, select an employee by Employee Name to assign as a group head.
4. Set the relationship type (the head of the company, department, or human resource) for the selected employee.
5. Set Effective From date using Calendar such that the Group Head relationship with the employee becomes effective from the chosen date.
6. The list of employees can be picked using parameters such as Organization Unit, Designation, Location, Work Role, Track, Level, etc., (Based on the employee's profile ) for whom the created Group head is responsible.
7. On saving, the employee is assigned as the group head to the employees, who are part of the selected criteria.
PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary from how the features are described here. The screenshots given here may also be different from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.