My Profile page displays an employee's business and personal information. Synergita helps to capture and maintain complete details about the employee. When you log in, by default it directs you to the Home page.

  • To view and access your profile, navigate to People > My Profile
  • The ‘My Profile’ page displays your information in detail
  • Apart from Business and Personal Information, you can see additional sections. 
  • Each of the sections is dedicated to one category of information and captures all relevant information. 
  • During Implementation, your company determines how many categories of information is required to be displayed. 

Note: Here, the table below describes the most commonly used available categories. Your page may or may not display all of these categories or may display additional customized categories.

The profile details are categorized and displayed in a different section as shown in the table below. The details available in each tab can be easily viewed and accessed by clicking the respective tabs.


Organizational details like Company Profile Name, the User name (email), Date of Joining, Location, company, etc., can be maintained.

Reporting structure

Authority relationship that the employee associated 

Personal Details

Handles employee’s Personal details like address, Contact Details, Date of Birth, etc.

Passport & Visa

Maintain Passport and Visa details


Record educational qualifications and certifications achieved


Lists the entire experience the employee had in different companies holding different designations on his overall career period


Lists the skills of the employee


Maintain documents specifically belonging to an individual employee. For example, Resume, Sample Work, etc.

Career Aspiration

Maintain details with respect to career plans, willingness to relocate, willingness to travel, future roles that an employee is interested to undertake and plans to prepare for the role with respect to improving educational qualifications

All managers can view their team members by navigating to People > My Team

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary from how the features are described here. The screenshots given here may also be different from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.