Managers and Supervisors play a critical and crucial role as a conduit of information and to maximize productivity and to improve the efficiency of an employee. Under certain circumstances, it may become pertinent to change the primary manager for the review group when the review cycle is in-progress. In most cases, the HR manager is given the privilege to change the primary manager of an employee.

Method 1:

Note - Before changing the manager/any relationship, please check the cycle status of the users. Ensure that the user has not completed the "Manager Feedback" step or any feedback-related activities.

To change the primary manager in an employee profile

  • Navigate to People > My Team > Employee profile > Reporting structure tab 

    The following page displays.


  • Select the effective to date to close the existing employee's managers. Click Save

  • Click the Add button to add the new primary manager to an employee's  profile and select the relationship as manager and view the employee directory to add the new manager to an employee's profile

  • Select the effective from the date and click save and if the employee covered in the feedback cycle you will get the two options to "change the primary manager details only in the employee's profile" and "change the primary manager details in the employee's profile and ongoing cycle.

  • Choose the employee profile option to change the primary manager details only in the employee's profile and choose the employee's profile and ongoing cycle option to change the manager in both profile and feedback cycle.

Method 2:

To change the existing primary manager of an employee if the manager is to be updated in cycle

  •  Navigate to Performance > My Team's Performance. The following page displays.

  • Search for the required employee, click Renominate Reviewers from View More menu. Renominate Reviewers page for that particular employee displays.

  • Scroll down and Delete the existing Manager from the List of reviewers.

  • The HR can renominate internal and external reviewers for the employee by choosing another manager from the various filters available.

  • To nominate internal reviewers as a new primary manager, use search filters like Organization Unit, Location, Designation, and/or by entering a search keyword.

  • For selecting the new manager, select the primary manager under the Relationship drop-down and add to the list of reviewers.

  • Click Confirm All Reviewers. The system prompts you to confirm the reviewer list.

  • Click Yes. The System approves the reviewers selected.

  • Click Ok to complete the process of changing the primary manager for an employee.

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary from how the features are described here. The screenshots given here may also be different from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.