• Dashboard -> Pending Activities

  • Pending Activities Widget on My Dashboard displays all the pending activities to be completed.


  • To provide the self-feedback please login as an employee and navigate to My Dashboard → Pending Activities → Self Feedback or Performance  → My Action items

  • Click the Self Feedback link.


  • To provide the manager feedback please login as a manager and navigate to My Dashboard → Pending Activities → Manager Feedback or Performance  → My Action items

  • Click the Manager Feedback link. The system directs to the Provide Feedback page for the employee or the Team member.

  • The feedback form looks similar for both the self-feedback for the employee and for the appraiser feedback.

  • The feedback form clearly indicates the target and the achievement against the target (The achievements can be regularly updated in Synergita by the appraiser and this would save time at the end of the review period and also make it possible to monitor progress seamlessly)

  • For each goal's that have been set an employee will be able to reflect on his performance and provide the qualitative as well as the quantitative feedback. 

  • The rating guidelines are provided to ensure consistency in assessment.

  • Here you assess the employee and give relevant and necessary feedback to the employee for competencies displayed and goals achieved. The rating scale allows for the grading of the employee based on his performance.

  • Click Save All to save your feedback as many times as you want without submission of the feedback form for further action.

  • On completion of the feedback, click Submit. The appraisal workflow proceeds to the next activity.

  • To view feedback given by all peers, supervisors and subordinates, click the Related Feedback link.

  • Related Feedback enables you to refer to the previous feedback cycles and continuous feedback for the employee.

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary from how the features are described here. The screenshots given here may also be different from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.