As a HR Administrator, using the Manage Users page, you can perform various administrative functions like setting default password, resetting user password, enforcing password reset, lock and unlock user accounts.

To mass perform user actions

1. Navigate to Admin > Tenant Administration

2. Under User Management, click Manage Users

Search View lists the users existing in the system.

3. For mass inserting the users to be filtered, click Add File next to Import employee to be filtered.

Note: It is highly recommended to use the Default Template. This is because the template contains the required formatting and header rows. Your data file will not successfully upload if it doesn't contain the required information.

4. Download the Default Template Excel. Fill the Excel in a valid format. The data must include the employee's Email ID.

5. Click Choose File to upload the updated template. 

6. Click Validate. The uploaded data is validated for its data types.

7. Click Apply. Only the users to be filtered will be displayed in the User Management list.

8. Enable the Select All checkbox in the first column or select the individual users to be filtered again.

9. From the Action menu, click any one of the required actions.

Example 1: Reset user password

  • Select an individual or multiple user accounts you require to set a new password and click the action Reset Password. The system shows the message “Password has been reset.” 

  • The system sends the Reset Password email notification with a one-time password to the registered email address of the user. The user must click the reset link sent in the mail and must set a new password. Thus, the user will be allowed to log in to the system with the changed password on next time logging.

Example 2: Set default password

  • Select an individual or multiple user accounts you require to set a default password and click the action Set Default Password. The system shows the message “Password Updated Successfully.” 

  • The system set the standard default password format will be First 3 characters of Employee FirstName + @ + Date of Joining in the format "ddMMMyyy". In this case, the password is "Abu@14Oct2019"

Example 3: Lock / Unlock user

  • To lock or unlock the individual user accounts or all user accounts as a bulk, select the users, from the Action menu, click the respective actions Lock / Lock All, or Un-Lock / Un-Lock All.
  • The system will notify you with a message with total locked/Un-Locked user counts.

Lock / Lock All

Un-Lock / Un-Lock All

Example 4: Enforce Password Reset

  • To enforce password resetting to a particular user, select the user account, from the Action menu, click Force Password Reset. The system shows the message “Password change has been forced.”

  • The system sends the Force Password Change email notification to the registered email address of the user. Thus, the user will be allowed to log in to the system to set a new password on next time logging.

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary on how the features described here. The given screenshots may also vary from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.