OKR progress is calculated considering two main components. They are 

  • Key Results: The measurable Key Results contribute to the Objective's progress.  
  • Contributors: These are the child objectives that contribute to the progress of the Parent objective.  

Progress of OKR if there are contributors is 



wi is the weightage of key result converted to decimals

pi is the progress of key result i.

i ranges from 1 to m, where m denotes the total number of key results.

j ranges from 1 to n, where n denotes the total number of direct contributors

pj is the progress of the contributors.


If there are no contributors, then j=0, hence progress will be as follows.

If weightage is not enabled, then all the key results will have equal weightages, hence the weightages will become 

Individual Weightage = (1 / Number of Key Results)

The OKR progress is rounded off to nearest two decimal points. 

Here are two scenarios of how the system computes the OKR progress percentage of a company, Team, or Individual OKR.

Scenario 1: With Weightage and Alignment

  • If progress of KR1 is 30%, KR2 is 30%, and KR3 is 40%
  • And weightage of KR1 is 40%, KR2 is 20%, and KR3 is 40%.
  • And if progress of direct contributors are 50% and 75%.



                         = [(30*0.4)+(30*0.2)+(40*0.4)]+[50+75] / [2+1]

                         = [12+6+16]+[50+75] / 3 

                         = 53%

Scenario 2: With Weightage and No Alignment

  • If progress of KR1 is 30%, KR2 is 30%, and KR3 is 40%
  • And weightage of KR1 is 40%, KR2 is 20%, and KR3 is 40%.
  • And there are no direct contributors.



                         = [(30*0.4)+(30*0.2)+(40*0.4)]

                         = [12+6+16]

                         = 34%

Scenario 3: With Alignment and No Weightage

  • If progress of KR1 is 30%, KR2 is 30%, and KR3 is 40%
  • And if progress of direct contributors are 50% and 75%.
  • No Weightage



                         = [(30*(1/3))+(30*(1/3) )+(40*(1/3) )]+[50+75] / [2+1]

                         = [33.33]+[50+75] / 3 

                         = 52.77%

Scenario 4: No Weightage and No Alignment

  • If progress of KR1 is 30%, KR2 is 30%, and KR3 is 40%
  • No Weightage and Contributors



                         = [(30*(1/3))+(30*(1/3))+(40*(1/3))]

                         = 33.33