Synergita OKR provides a user-friendly interface with two consistent navigation bars that offer seamless access to various features and functionalities across all pages.

Top Navigation Pane

The top navigation bar contains three elements:

  • Company Logo: Located on the left, it represents your organization's identity within Synergita OKR. Only admin users can change the company logo.
  • Notification Bell: Located to the right of the page, it shows the bell icon with the number of unread notifications marked at the top. Clicking on the bell displays the notifications to the user.
  • Profile Name and Photo: Positioned on the right, it displays your profile name and photo. Clicking the arrow mark next to the name opens a drop-down menu with several options, including:
    • Changing the profile picture.
    • Accessing the support articles.
    • Changing the user password.
    • Logging out to end the current session.


Left Navigation Pane

The left navigation bar offers easy access to various sections and functionalities within Synergita OKR:

  • Dashboard: Provides an overview of your OKRs and progress at a glance.
  • Company Objectives: Allows you to create and manage OKRs at the organizational level, aligning everyone towards common goals.
  • Team Objectives: Enables team leaders to set objectives for their teams and track their progress.
  • Individual Objectives: Allows individuals to create and monitor their personal OKRs.
  • OKR Approval/Review: Facilitates the review and approval process for OKRs.
  • Report: Provides comprehensive reports and analytics to gain insights into OKR performance.
  • Hierarchy Page: Access Hierarchy Tree to visualize the aligned objectives.
  • OKR Admin: Offers options for configuring OKR settings and preferences.
  • Help Button: Located at the bottom of the left navigation bar, the Help button serves as a quick link to the support page, where users can find resources, guides, and contact details for assistance.

With these navigation bars, you can explore the product and make full use of Synergita OKR, making goal setting and tracking a smooth and productive experience.