OKR Hierarchy tree is a powerful tool designed to enhance the visualization and management of your organizational goals. The benefits of the Hierarchy tree includes better goal alignment, visibility of alignment, and single place to view the aligned and cascaded objectives.

Note: This feature is available only to OKR Lite and Growth Users

Understanding the Tree View

The Tree View in the OKR Hierarchy provides a visual map of your organization’s aligned objectives, showing how each goal, from the company level down to individual team members arranged from left to right.

Tree View

Accessing the Tree View

Navigate to OKR Hierarchy tab on the left-navigation pane. The tree view is the default view when the page is opened.

Accessing Tree View

  • The Tree View displays objectives in a hierarchical format, starting from the top-level organizational goals on the left side of the screen, to individual objectives towards the right side of the screen.
  • Click on any branch (objective) to expand and reveal its associated key results, including details like progress percentage and deadline.
  • Click on the edit icon to update the key result progress (Only for OKR Growth Users).

Collapsed View

Collapsed View

Expanded View

Expanded View

  • Utilize zoom in/out feature at the bottom right of the screen, and dragging features to navigate through different levels of the hierarchy.
  • The number of child objectives aligned to an objective can be identified from the circle Circle Icon on the right side of each objective. For example, if the company objectives have 5 child objectives aligned to it, it will display “5”.
  • The child objectives can be hidden from the tree view or made visible, upon clicking on the circle.
  • The progress of all the child objectives can be seen on the connecting line next to the number of objectives.

Objective Progress

  • Cascaded OKR can be viewed by the cascading icon on the connecting line. Cascading Icon

Editing and Updating Progess in Tree View

  • The progress of the key results can be viewed and modified directly from the Tree View, by click on the Edit icon adjacent to each Key Result.
  • Clicking on the Edit icon opens the Update Achieved Target, from where the progress and confidence level can be updated. Learn More about how to update OKR progress.
  • When an objective is clicked, the OKR Details page of the objective is opened, offering a detailed view and more comprehensive editing options.