You can add or include an employee in the ongoing cycle but make sure that a particular employee has not been already added in any of the other ongoing process cycles.

In essence, the employees that are to be assessed in the current cycle cannot be included in any other cycle.

To add an employee to the cycle

1. Navigate to Admin > HR Administration

2. Under Performance Module Setup, click Manage Process Cycles

  • Go to the 2nd Step (Participants List) tab.


  • Use search filters like Date of Joining (DOJ), Employee type, and Employee status to find the employees apply for this cycle. Also, use Organization Unit, Location, Designation for which this cycle is applicable.
  • You can also add an employee individually using the Select employee by name option.

  • To view search results matching the given filters, click Preview. The Preview window lists all the eligible employees by ID, First Name, and Email.
  • You can also add an employee individually using the Select employee by name option.

8. You can add the participants in a bulk manner using the Bulk Add / Remove Participants option.

9. Click on Bulk Add / Remove Participants and download the excel template under the Add tab.

10. Provide the employee number/email ID in the downloaded sheet and save the file. Choose the file from your local directory using the Choose File option and click on ADD.

11. Click Save and Continue.

12.  You can view the confirmed employee in the cycle after the confirmation.

12.  You can view the cycle completed employee in the feedback Cycle/Status report.


Note: The employees who are already added to an ongoing cycle cannot be included in the new cycle.

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary from how the features are described here. The screenshots given here may also be different from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.