Grade Scale is used to rate or assess employee goals and competencies during performance reviews. As an HR administrator, you can create and edit the grade scales. The created Grade Scales shall be mapped to goals or competencies in the feedback forms.

The steps to creating a new grade scale are as follows.

To create a new grade scale

1. Navigate to Admin > Tenant Administration

2. Under Performance Module Setup, click Manage Grade Scales

3. In the Add Grade Scale section, do the following.

  • Enter the unique name for the grade scale. .e.g. 2-point scale, 3-point scale, 5-point scale

  • Select the scale type Fixed or Floating

  • Fixed grade scales have whole numbers. For example, a grade scale with 1, 2, 3 as scales.

  • Floating grade Scales allow choosing decimal values as ratings. For example, a grade scale with 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 as values

  • For Fixed grade scale, specify the number of grade divisions, provide text value and short-code for the text value, assign numerical grade points, and define display text for rating guidelines to display in the review form

For example, if you define a 3-point Scale, you can set 1 as the lowest grade point and 3 as the highest grade point.

  • For the Floating grade scale, specify the minimum and maximum numerical grade points and provide increment or step value for the rating scale. In this type of rating scale, the display texts cannot be defined. Only the numbers are shown.

For example, if you define Grade A with a 1-5 floating-point scale with 0.5 incremental points. The review form will display the scale slider with ratings 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and so on for rating.

    Description in a grid view of the feedback form shows the increment interval value between             the assigned range in the rating scale

  • If an employee enters an increment value that is greater than the range in the grid view, a pop-up will appear instructing the user to enter the value with the assigned increment interval in the rating

  • Set as default attribute grade - Enable this option to assign this grade scale automatically for the employee goals to be added in the goal-setting step

  • Set as Default - Enable this option to use this grade scale for the overall score calculation. For example, if this is a 3 point rating scale, the overall score will be calculated for out of 3

Note: You cannot edit the settings of a Grade scale that is used in an ongoing feedback cycle.

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary from how the features are described here. The screenshots given here may also be different from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.