The feedback forms also referred to as performance review forms include several sections like SMART Goals, Competencies, job skills, Organization Values, etc. 

The steps to create a new section are described in Admin Perspective. The steps are as follows

To create a section

1. Navigate to Admin > HR Administration

2. Under Performance Module Setup, click Manage Sections

3. Click the Add button. This will create a new row under each column.

4. Give a name or title for the Section. The new section name must best fit and easily relate to the behavior areas to be assessed.

For example, you can provide sections like Smart Goals, Job Skills, Communication, Values, Soft Skills, etc.

5. Select the required Section Type. The sections can be of only two types namely Employee Section Type and Organization Section Type.

For example, Competency that is pre-defined for all the employees within the organization can be categorized under Organization Section Type. These sections are not editable in the goal setting step.

The SMART goals and Job Skills to be defined for each employee can be categorized under Employee Section Type.

6. Select the required Section Group.

7. For creating a sub-section or related section under a section, select the required Parent section.

The created sub-section will act like a child section to the Parent section.

8. On saving, the section details will be added to the section list of Goals –Organization Library. You can select the required sections from this Library when creating a feedback form/template associating to an employee role.

PS: Synergita implementation for your Organization may vary on how the features described here. The given screenshots may also vary from what you see in your system. Please talk to the concerned person in the Organization for any specific queries.